My Story

We’re all in search of something. Over a decade ago, I was in search of peace.

On the surface, it seemed as though I had life figured out: I had a loving & supportive husband & two of the best kids a mother could ever ask for. We had the house, car, pet, you name it.

I wasn’t sure what it was, but despite having everything I’ve ever wanted, there was a huge part of me that felt unfulfilled; something inside of me felt like something was missing.

While I didn’t know it at the time, I now know that there wasn’t anything missing, but rather buried beneath layers of protective patterns and limiting beliefs: my true self.

I realized that for a big part of my life, I let others determine my worth.

This led me to neglect my own needs, constantly try to please people, and avoid setting boundaries out of fear of rejection.

I ended up in countless situations where I wanted to say no but felt I had to say yes to avoid disappointing or angering others. I ignored my own needs, sometimes even compromising my well-being, because I couldn’t stand to let people down. I hid parts of myself that I felt didn't fit in with whoever I was around.

I spent so much of my life abandoning who I was for the sake of pleasing others that I felt completely disconnected from myself.

This constant struggle left me feeling on edge, exhausted, and turning to unhealthy habits to cope.

Over time, these patterns built up feelings of resentment, anger, and shame, affecting my relationships, my work, and my life.

I knew, deep down, that another way to live was possible, but I had no idea how to get there.

I read tons of “self-help” books & explored many helpful modalities that moved me closer to the peace and freedom I longed for - but I still felt there was a huge gap between where I was and where I wanted to be in my life.

This resulted in frustration and hopelessness, with so many times feeling like there was no way to truly get to the other side of this, even though I saw other people thriving in their lives and embodying the confidence & authenticity that I longed for and wondered, “Why not me?”

I had not yet realized the importance of somatic healing and connecting with my whole self – mind AND body – to better understand my thoughts & emotions so I could transform the beliefs & behaviors that have held me back from connecting with my most true, authentic self & realizing my full potential.

It was when I cultivated this connection with my whole self through somatic healing and nervous system regulation that everything changed for me – and what once felt out of reach now finally felt within my grasp.

This journey has transformed me in ways I would have never imagined possible a decade ago…and while this journey is lifelong, it has been, and continues to be, a beacon that has led me to peace, freedom, and perhaps most importantly, back home to myself.

If you’re here, then I imagine this is something you are searching for as well.

You want to develop a deeper connection with yourself so you can better understand your thoughts and feelings and transform the behaviors that have blocked your true expression.

You want to give yourself permission to make yourself a priority and set healthy boundaries without shame so you can show up in your life feeling nurtured and supported instead of depleted and defeated.

You want to feel secure in being your true self so you can live with authenticity and thrive in life instead of just survive.

I want this for you too!

When I discovered my own potential for transformation and saw how it changed my life, I made it my mission to support other people on a similar path - people just like YOU - to break free from patterns that block your true expression and stop the cycle of self-abandonment so you can develop a deeper relationship and be at peace with all parts of your true, most authentic self.

And I’m here to tell you; if it’s possible for me, it’s possible for you too.

When you’re ready, I’m here to support you.


  • Recipient of the trauma-informed Live Your Purpose Coaching Certificate led by Mastin Kipp

  • Recipient of Applied Polyvagal Theory in Yoga Certificate led by Dr. Arielle Schwartz & Dr. Stephen Porges

  • Recipient of Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Certificate led by Dr. Arielle Schwartz, Nkem Ndefo & Dr. Scott Lyons

  • Participant of Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Mentorship Program led by Dr. Arielle Schwartz, Nkem Ndefo & Dr. Scott Lyons

  • Recipient of the Mind-Body Coaching Certificate led by Dr. Scott Lyons, Kai Cheng Thom & Dr. Rae Johnson

  • E-RYT 500 Yoga Teacher & Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider

  • Over 700 additional training hours in various subjects related to yoga & trauma work, including chakra work, somatic experiencing, integrative somatic trauma therapy, polyvagal theory, yin & chair yoga, anatomy, etc.

  • Over 9 years of teaching experience

  • Experiential knowledge based on client results, as well as over 13 years invested in my own personal growth

You deserve to live a life where you feel safe to be your true self.

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