No One Gets To Define Your Journey

No one gets to decide what your journey is about.

No one else truly knows the full spectrum of what you think & feel, what your struggles & triumphs are; only you know that.

Not even those closest to you who think they know you best. (They may know a lot, but probably not everything.)

When people don’t know the full story, that doesn’t stop them from trying to come up with conclusions on what they think your journey is about based on a variety of factors – your past (even your past from 5 minutes ago), their limited perceptions on what they think is possible, the idea that they think they know you so well that that must mean they know everything there is to know about you, etc.

Don’t let these faulty conclusions sway you. And don’t let them define your journey either.

This doesn’t mean you should shut everyone out and not be open to listening to a different perspective; humans are hardwired for connection, and connection along with mutual support with people you feel safe with is vital in healing and growth.

But remember: Only you get to define your journey. And only you have the power to steer it in the direction you want it to go.


The Fruitless Pursuit In People Pleasing