Honoring ALL of Your Emotions

We do not create lasting shifts by “putting on a happy face” and turning a blind eye to any emotion that’s not considered “positive”; we create lasting shifts by honoring our full range of emotions and sitting with (and navigating through) the uncomfortable ones.

When we honor our full range of emotions, we are also honoring many components of the first two limbs of yoga, the Yamas & Niyamas, namely Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (truthfulness), Tapas (self-discipline), & Svadhyaya (self-study).

In addition, when we acknowledge all of our emotions, when we investigate why we feel what we feel, we open the door to healing. It is that acknowledgment & investigation that allows us to better regulate our emotions and in turn, bounce back from those uncomfortable emotions more effectively.

Yes, cultivating positivity is important - but not at the expense of denying our other emotions.

It’s time to shift away from “toxic positivity”. It’s time to stop creating shame around every moment of anger, sadness, or any other emotion labeled as “negative” and time to start investigating our uncomfortable emotions with compassion and kindness.

Work on getting comfortable with the uncomfortable and work through the difficult emotions instead of running from them; because it is in those moments where growth and healing begin. xoxo


When Faced With Arrogance, Consider This…


How Would It Feel To Live Your Truth?