How Would It Feel To Live Your Truth?

How would you imagine it would feel like in the body if you felt safe to live your truth?

Maybe it would feel like a long sigh.

Or that first sip of a warm cup of tea.

Or when you put your feet up after a long day.

My favorite description of how it feels for me comes from this excerpt from a meditation by Sarah Blondin:

“I would like to give you permission to come out from hiding, and be here, unapologetically you. Let this be a reunion with the you you sometimes don’t allow yourself to be, and the you you are sometimes afraid to be. If you do not know who this is, it is the one inside of you that feels relief when it comes home and closes the door.”

Imagine how that feels – the feeling of coming home to yourself.

How can you imagine feeling free to be authentically you could change your life?

Could it improve your relationships?

Could it improve how you navigate through your business/profession?

Could it improve your overall quality of life?

From my experience, my answer is an emphatic YES.

I didn’t always believe that. I also didn’t always feel safe living my truth. Perfectionism, fear of judgement, abandonment, disapproval always ran the show.

But through the work I’ve done in my own healing journey – and now the work I use to help serve those who don’t feel safe living their truth – that safety to be me grows stronger every day.

Is it always perfect? No. That’s why it’s called practice. (If it was perfect it would also not be living authentically. )

But any step toward living more authentically is a step toward coming home to myself.

And you have the power to come home to yourself too. xo


Honoring ALL of Your Emotions


The Futility in Worrying About What Other People Think