What is Somatic Coaching? (And How Can it Help You Be More Authentic?)


In a world where we often feel disconnected from ourselves and overwhelmed by the demands of daily life, somatic coaching offers a transformative approach to personal growth and connection with your true self.

But what exactly is somatic coaching, and how can it help you lead a more authentic life?

 By integrating self-awareness and mind body practices, somatic coaching helps you tap into the wisdom of your body, uncover hidden patterns, and cultivate a deeper sense of your authentic self. In this post, we’ll explore the principles of somatic coaching and how it can support you in becoming more attuned to your true self.

Connection of mind and body

Somatic coaching is a holistic approach to personal growth & healing that focuses on the whole self. This means that it integrates mind and body through self-awareness as well as bodily sensations to better understand your thoughts and emotions in order to transform the beliefs and behaviors that have held you back from unlocking your full potential and embodying your true self.

Nervous system regulation

In addition to cultivating a better understanding of self through integration of mind and body, somatic coaching can also help you to better understand how your nervous system responds when it becomes activated by stress, offering the opportunity for you to be in those moments of activation without being overtaken by them. This can help you to stay connected to the parts of your brain that control important functions for how you think, feel, and act, offering the space to respond thoughtfully rather than react impulsively, as well as empower you to change the behaviors that hold you back from living authentically.

Why this is important

When it comes to personal growth, many focus on only changing mindset, which don’t get me wrong, is an important part of facilitating growth and healing. However, working on changing mindset alone isn’t going to get you very far, since the part of the brain that “serve key cognitive functions related to social, emotional, & motivational aspects of behavior” goes offline when our nervous system is activated. (PMID: 34881727)

When this happens, the parts of the brain geared toward survival kick into gear, as does the survival patterns that you have acquired throughout your life in an attempt to keep you “safe”. In other words, when your nervous system becomes activated and kicks into survival mode, the part of the brain that is used in shifting mindset turns off while the survival parts of your brain take over. This is why focusing on both mind AND body is vital.


How does this keep me from being authentic?

Our nervous systems two main agendas are safety and connection, and when either feels threatened, the nervous system activates, and our survival patterns kick in.

To the nervous system, connection and safety are equally important because humans are biologically hardwired for connection. It is a basic, fundamental need in order to survive and thrive, just like food, water & shelter.

So, when we feel a connection with another human is threatened, our nervous system calls on our protective (“survival”) responses in an attempt to keep us “safe” and stay in connection. These protective responses can include maladaptive patterns such as people pleasing, lack of boundaries, hiding parts of ourselves or abandoning ourselves to gain acceptance, even rage, lashing out, etc.  

In addition, when our nervous system becomes activated by stressors or “threats” & we don’t have the tools & resources to help us regulate, we tend to get stuck in our protective responses & patterns, which may have done a beautiful job at keeping us “safe” thus far but may not serve us or our relationships in the long run.

It is in these moments when, I believe, we are not being our true selves.

I think Dr. Glenn Patrick Doyle said it best: “We’re not ourselves when we’re triggered. We become who we think we need to be to survive.”

How can somatics and the support of a somatic coach help me be more authentic?

When our nervous system becomes activated, our body gives us clues before our brain even realizes what is happening.

 By learning how to recognize when your nervous system becomes activated (via bodily sensations), as well as creating a better understanding of what your protective (survival) patterns are and why they exist, you can then use that awareness to develop a deeper connection with your true self, create new patterns that reflect your authenticity, & begin to live a life where you feel safe enough to be your true self so you can thrive instead of just survive.

In many instances, we try to do this on our own without any support; but very rarely - if ever - does transformation happen in isolation.

As I mentioned earlier, “connection is a biological imperative” (Source: Porges) and moving through the process of change and transformation requires a balance of co-regulation (support from an empathetic witness, like a therapist, mentor, coach or loved one) and self-regulation (building the capacity to cultivate new patterns independently).

This is where the support of a somatic coach comes into play.

A trained somatic coach (ideally one who is also trauma-informed) can offer you the support and safe space necessary for self-discovery and exploration, as well as offer various tools and practices that you can explore in that space of support so you can build the confidence to self-regulate and integrate those practices in your day-to-day life.

It’s important to note that this process isn’t a magic pill or a quick fix; it’s a lifelong journey that takes time. With that being said, I think having a support system to remind us of this, especially in the beginning - whether that be a coach, therapist, or even a loved one - is vital, as we can tend to be hard on ourselves through the inevitable ebb and flow that comes with healing and growth.

As you embark on your journey towards authenticity through somatic coaching, remember that it is a gradual process that requires patience, compassion, and support. By tuning into your body’s wisdom and understanding your nervous system’s responses, you can start to unravel the patterns that have kept you from living fully and freely. Somatic coaching offers a unique path to personal growth, one that integrates the mind and body to help you reclaim your true self. Embrace this transformative approach, seek the support you need, and trust that with time, you will cultivate a deeper, more authentic connection with yourself and the world around you.


PS – If you’re interested in the support of a somatic coach and want to learn more, let’s chat. Book a complimentary call so we can talk about how I can support you.


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