You are NOT Defined by Your Past

You do not - I repeat, YOU DO NOT - need to be defined by your past.

You are under no obligation to limit your being by your past behaviors, mistakes, etc.

You are not required to be the same person you were five years, days or seconds ago.

If there are things in your life that no longer serve you, you absolutely have the power to manifest change.

Will it be perfect? Nope.

Will you continue to make mistakes from your past as you work toward change?

I can pretty much guarantee it.

Because change is not easy. It takes A LOT of work.

So much so that there may be people in your life that will try to make you think that change isn’t possible.

Do not - I repeat, DO NOT - allow yourself be defined by what other people think.

In most cases, the people who think that change isn’t possible are the same people who aren’t willing to put the work in to create change.

Only you know the work you’ve put in to manifest change in your life, no one else.

So don’t be defined by those who have only seen little snippets of your entirety - because you are so much more than that.

So. Much. More.


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