Feeling Stuck? READ THIS

If you find yourself feeling stuck when you're working toward a goal and you just want to give up, let me introduce you to THE RULE OF THIRDS.

I was introduced to the Rule of Thirds by The Rich Roll Podcast where Olympic Runner Alexi Pappas was on the show and she told a story about a time when she was going through a particularly difficult workout while preparing for the Olympics and was missing all of her marks. It was then that her Olympic Coach said to her, "That's OK, it's the 'Rule of Thirds'.

Wonder what the Rule of Thirds is? So did she.

The coach explained how when you're chasing a dream or doing something hard, you're meant to feel good 1/3 of the time, feel OK 1/3 of the time, and feel crappy 1/3 of the time, and as long as you're falling somewhere within that ratio you're doing ok.

And if you're falling out of balance in that ratio, then maybe it's time to recalibrate to determine whether you need to kick it up a notch or take it down a notch to bring that ratio back to balance.

This story came to mind for me this week when I was in my 'crappy time', and was a beautiful reminder of two main things when working toward my goal:

1. Crappy moments don't mean we failed; they're just a part of the process.
2. Knowing that crappy moments are part of the process reminds me to explore what my next step is to maintain that balance of thirds instead of staying stuck in that crappy moment.

Maybe that next step will be great, maybe it'll just be OK - the point is to keep moving forward and not let the crappy moments stop you from continuing to work toward that goal.

PS - A huge thank you to Alexi Pappas for sharing her story on The Rich Roll Podcast and introducing me to this incredible nugget of wisdom. This was so, so helpful to me, and hope it's of benefit to you too. :)

PSS - If you're ready to reclaim your self-worth & confidently work toward your goals by embodying your true self, I have a few spots left for one-on-one coaching. Click here to schedule a free discovery call.

photo cred: Mario Azzi



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